weekend by megan

oh weekend, how i love thee.

i had a sleepover last night at my best friends house. we were supposed to work on our student teaching portfolios for many hours, but instead we ate tomato, artichoke, and feta pizza (n0 sauce) from rotolo’s and made brownies with homemade icing.

we made the icing with lots of powdered sugar and several tablespoons of skim milk. oh and a tsp of vanilla extract. the icing melted on the brownies and it reminded us of oreos. so yummy.

we also watched dan in real life, and i am officially obsessed with sondre lerche. every single song in the movie was sung by him, and he is wonderful!

but, now i must work on my student teaching portfolio…since i did not last night. it’s still a happy saturday…

…so enjoy your day!

it’s beginning to smell like fall by megan

Happy Friday and Happy, Happy Birthday to my darling sister, Lizzy! I am so thankful that she is my sister and my best friend, too. God is so good πŸ™‚ In honor of my sister’s birthday I have been baking and shopping.

My baking has been for Lizzy’s birthday and also for the LSU party I am going to tomorrow.


white chocolate chip pumpkin cookies

I used this recipe. Except I did not make the icing and I folded in 1 cup of white chocolate chips after all of the ingredients were mixed together. While baking these cookies definitely smelled like fall and that made me smile πŸ™‚

My shopping has been for Lizzy’s birthday gift and my outfit for her birthday outing tonight. I can’t show you Lizzy’s gift, but I can show you the dresses I purchased (ehh, my mom purchased for me). They are from a local boutique, Miche, and I love them all!

IMG_8042I am wearing the dress on the left tonight since we are still experiencing record breaking heat…but aren’t the 2 long sleeved ones so lovely? I can’t wait to wear them!

So tonight’s agenda includes dinner at Palace Cafe

and some Michael Jackson at House of Blues! It is going to be such a fun night and I am so excited to celebrate Lizzy’s birthday with her, our friends, and our family.

Happy Friday!

p.s. I ordered the “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster in yellow…very excited about it!

beach bound by megan

Hi y’all!!! Happy Friday πŸ™‚

Alright, well my bags are packed (sort of…I’ve got a few more things to throw in) and my Simply Organic Chai Spice Scones are baked. I can’t wait to try these scones. I sampled some dough and it was quite yummy!

{Yes, I’m lazy and did not take a picture of them straight from my oven…}

I also baked some healthified (I used unsweetened applesauce instead of oil andΒ  omitted the Funfetti icing on top) Funfetti cookies!

{mine look just like this minus the icing…they’re so cute with the icing, though}

I tried a small Funfetti cookie and it tasted so good. You would never know I used applesauce! And, the fact that these are cake cookies makes them so fluffy and doughy…well, cake like! I originally wanted to bake something from scratch and a little more wholesome, but I decided to save time and give these a whirl. I know my girlfriends will love these!!

Oh! I got my hair done today and I am back to brunette πŸ™‚ I have been reddish/blonde since February and I loved it, but I missed my dark hair a lot. And with fall arriving I thought now was a good time to bring back the brown! It is super dark right now and it will fade a bit with time, but I love it dark! I feel so mature, haha. I will have a picture for y’all soon!

Alright, well I am going to finish some last minute packing. I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend and safe/fun/happy Labor Day!!!! See ya Tuesday πŸ™‚

super saturday by megan

Happy Saturday, y’all! Today has been great so far πŸ™‚ I did some yummy yoga, baked tomorrow nights dessert (and licked the spoon hehe) and received some fun surprises in the mail!

A humoungous thank you to Kristina from Stonyfield Farms for this…

IMG_7768A handwritten note, a magnet, Food, Inc info, a reusable bag, and COUPONS galore for Stonyfield’s yummy yogurt! IΒ  can’t wait to head to Whole Foods and put these coupons to good use. Thanks again, Kristina!!!

Also, my favorite issue of all time arrived today…

IMG_7769The September Vogue. I love the September issue and have been collecting them since 2004. The massive amount of fall ads are my favorite part of the Vogue September issue. Fall is on its way…I’m definitely ready for the cooler weather. But living in the South cooler weather is not expected until mid October. If we are lucky! Heck, my some of my family members wore shorts last Christmas Day! Oh, how I wish we experienced all four seasons down here…

Oh, and last night my friends and I had a movie night…a Jane Austen movie night! We watched Emma and Becoming Jane. I loved Emma! I think it is now my favorite of all Jane Austen novels/movies. Although Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility are wonderful. I just love Emma’s character. She was such a gossip but tried so hard to be kind hearted! She was so loving. And, Becoming Jane was so beautiful, but the ending was too depressing. Have any of y’all seen Becoming Jane? I want to see The Jane Austen Book Club next.

Tonight I am babysitting my cousins while my aunt and uncle attend a wedding. I love spending time with my cousins! They are so much fun when they are little πŸ™‚ Hopefully we get to color a lot, my favorite thing to do!

Happy Saturday, friends!

oh happy day by megan

Hello! I hope your Thursday has been going well. Mine certainly has!! I can’t wait to share it with y’all…

My mama and I spent the day together…shopping! It was so much fun. I scored some super stuff at the Gap like boyfriend jeans and a shrunken schoolboy blazer. Then we wandered into Ann Taylor Loft because my mom had things on hold for us. My mom is a sucker for all things Ann Taylor Loft. I can ocassionally find things I like in there, too.Β  And, today I did! I found a cute dress for fall (to wear with tights) to wear under this shawl neck sweater vest or this drapey sweater vest. My mama got some equally cute things as well. We’re gonna share the two sweaters…made us feel a little better about buying both, haha.Β  None of this was on sale…but I did find a great steal today that I could not pass up.


IMG_7630A linea pelle dylan bag. At TJ Maxx. I spotted it (I have an eye for this) and grabbed it. My heart was racing, I tell you! I was so excited I almost cried. The price was too good to pass up. Thank God for TJ Maxx.

IMG_7633Isn’t she pretty? It is a bit smaller than the huge Longchamp I am carrying now…but I will work it out!

I also scored an adorable cookbook at TJ Maxx


And I can’t wait to bake up batches of these triple chocolate muffins


and these griddle cake. Mmm. They remind me of the McGriddles at McDonalds. Does anyone else love those? I have not had one in years…


Well, I’m off to watch Gilmore Girls. Tonight I am finally going to see Harry Potter and I could not be more excited πŸ™‚

I hope y’all are having a gorgeous Thursday!

Oh and for those of you looking for some pretty paper products head on over to Kate’s Paperie for 15% off your entire order with the code GradeA until August 10 at noon.