super saturday by megan

Happy Saturday, y’all! Today has been great so far šŸ™‚ I did some yummy yoga, baked tomorrow nights dessert (and licked the spoon hehe) and received some fun surprises in the mail!

A humoungous thank you to Kristina from Stonyfield Farms for this…

IMG_7768A handwritten note, a magnet, Food, Inc info, a reusable bag, and COUPONS galore for Stonyfield’s yummy yogurt! IĀ  can’t wait to head to Whole Foods and put these coupons to good use. Thanks again, Kristina!!!

Also, my favorite issue of all time arrived today…

IMG_7769The September Vogue. I love the September issue and have been collecting them since 2004. The massive amount of fall ads are my favorite part of the Vogue September issue. Fall is on its way…I’m definitely ready for the cooler weather. But living in the South cooler weather is not expected until mid October. If we are lucky! Heck, my some of my family members wore shorts last Christmas Day! Oh, how I wish we experienced all four seasons down here…

Oh, and last night my friends and I had a movie night…a Jane Austen movie night! We watched Emma and Becoming Jane. I loved Emma! I think it is now my favorite of all Jane Austen novels/movies. Although Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility are wonderful. I just love Emma’s character. She was such a gossip but tried so hard to be kind hearted! She was so loving. And, Becoming Jane was so beautiful, but the ending was too depressing. Have any of y’all seen Becoming Jane? I want to see The Jane Austen Book Club next.

Tonight I am babysitting my cousins while my aunt and uncle attend a wedding. I love spending time with my cousins! They are so much fun when they are little šŸ™‚ Hopefully we get to color a lot, my favorite thing to do!

Happy Saturday, friends!

wet wednesday by megan

Hi y’all! I have such trouble coming up with titles for my posts…so I usually just write what pops into mind first! It’s rainy today so in popped “wet wednesday”.

Look at her in the rain! Doesn’t that look like loads of fun though? Especially since this little girl is wearing a pink tutu and green frog rain boots. I am pretty sure owning a pink tutu would make my life complete. I would love to own both, boots and tutu, though. Please and thank you!

So far today I went to the gym, watched Gilmore Girls, watched Giada, and (once the rain slowed to a drizzle) went to the grocery. It was a quick shop at Rouse’s for recipe ingredients for tonight’s dinner and some fruit


I love summer fruit. Well, I mean, I love fruit in general! I picked up some bananas, gala apples, nectarines, peaches, and pluots. Blueberries in the fridge. Now we are fully stocked. I love having a full, bursting fruit bowl on the counter. It makes me happy just knowing I can grab some fresh goodness whenever I want.

I really need to do some yummy yoga. I think I might…as it rains outside. Sounds kind of relaxing, actually. Happy Wednesday!